Do you want to earn easily? This article will show you how to make money easily. You can earn more than $0.027 per click. Did you think this price was cheap? To tell you the truth, there is a way to completely automate the process. I will also write how to automate it.
Sign Up For Freebitcoin
Let’s start!Sign Up For Freebitcoin
Please access the site from the following link and sign up.
When you have completed the form, a link will be sent to your email.
Click on that link and you’re done!
Free role!
Once registration is complete, it’s time for the ROLL !
The winning amount will be as follows.
1st Prize: $200 2nd Prize: $20 3rd Prize: $2
4th Prize: $0.2 5th Prize: $0.02 6th Prize: $0.002
Based on this, the expected value is $0.027. In brief, you can earn more than $0.027 per click.
*Note that if you only do the ROLL, your 6th prize money will go down.
You will receive RP in addition to bitcoins for each ROLL. You can depend on this RP to raise your expectations! There are several ways to use RP, but here are two important ones.
①Increase the number of bitcoins
②Increase the number of RP
You can raise your expectations by doing these things.
It would be impossible for a user to click every hour, every time. There are two ways to automate this process, but this time I will introduce a method that can be done without any programming knowledge. But there are some risks because you need to deposit some bitcoins.
① Disable reCAPTCHA
reCAPTCHA is providing image identification puzzles, prompting users to identify images that contain specific things, like street signs or fire hydrants.
If you have this, you cannot automate the process, so we will disable it. Invalidation rules change daily. It will be disabled once you deposit $1000 worth of bitcoin.
② Install firefox
Download Firefox and create an account.
③ Freebitcoin Auto-roll
Download the add-on from the following URL.
④ Leaving the Firefox browser open
Click the Bitcoin symbol in the upper right corner of the Firefox screen and set the setting to “ON”. Leave the Firefox browser open without turning off the computer. Then it will automatically click on the ROLL button.
Good luck!!!