How to make Japanese friends

How to make Japanese friends Japan

There may be people who have come to Japan but can not make Japanese friends or people who want to make Japanese friends from abroad. In this article, we will introduce how to make Japanese friends.

Make use of apps

You can easily meet new people by using smartphone apps. The following apps have many users, and all are free to use. Even if you only have “looked” at them before, why not use them to make friends? However, it is difficult to know who you are meeting with on the Internet, and many people may feel uneasy. There is a certain possibility that there are people who misinterpret their identities, or that there are cherry-picked people, so be sure to be discerning when meeting someone. Please be careful not to get into trouble.


Twitter is a very popular SNS in Japan. It is highly anonymous and allows you to easily connect with an unspecified number of people. With such a large user base, it is easy to find people who share the same interests. It is also possible to discuss the same topics in real time.

The disadvantage is that your tweets are seen by many people, so you may be “exposed” or your comments may be inadvertently flamed. Avoid posting anything that could be used to identify you personally, as well as content that might offend someone. You can easily find people with the same interests and topics. Begin by following people you’re interested in via search and hashtags, and then expand from there. Then, the key is to actively interact with them by liking and replying.


Instagram is another popular social networking application that is well known. It

was dominated by young women, but now it has become a place for a wide range of users. Instagram is a social networking service that mainly uses images and videos, and a glance at a person’s posts is enough to intuitively determine whether or not they seem to be a good match for you. Hashtags are widely used, and it is also easy to find people with similar interests based on the words you are interested in.

However, when just starting out, it tends to be difficult to gain followers quickly. 

The posts are less diffuse than those on Twitter, and waiting around will not lead to new encounters. You should stick to images and videos, be creative with hashtags when posting, and let people know you exist first by commenting and following.

Learn a Lesson

One effective way to make Japanese friends is to start learning a lesson. The

great advantage is that you can meet new partners naturally.

Since you will be getting to know people with the same hobbies and goals. They

will have something in common and will be able to have a good conversation. It

is also a great way to enjoy your hobbies together after you become good

friends. Of course, you can also acquire skills through learning, so you may be

able to kill two birds with one stone. Also, if you go to the same classroom or school, you will live near each other. In this way, it will be much easier to have a relationship where you can easily meet and hang out with one another.

Marine Sports

If you are an outdoorsy person, how about taking up diving or other marine

sports?  Diving is a great way to make friends because you are not going alone,

but with a group of people. The time you spend enjoying the ocean with your

friends to the fullest will greatly refresh your mind after a days of working hard.

Marine sports such as surfing and yachting are perfect for working people who

rarely have the chance to exercise, as they help relieve the lack of daily

exercise. A sense of camaraderie is created as you practice to improve, leading

to deep friendships.

Friends who have met through diving and marine sports will enjoy talking about

the sea and going on trips together. You will find a hobby that you can enjoy

throughout your life and friends that will last a lifetime.

Painting Classes

Painting classes are also a great option for indoor enthusiasts. Having a friend with whom you share a common hobby of painting will give you more enjoyment than painting alone.

Painting classes can be started even if you are not physically fit, and it is a hobby that can be continued for a long time, regardless of the weather. Another advantage is that you can naturally interact with each other by showing each other’s work, which will help you get closer to each other without any difficulty.

It does not matter if you are not confident about painting at the first time. You will definitely improve by attending classes, and you will feel a sense of growth because you can see the results of your work. Another good thing is that we can stimulate each other. You can enjoy the world of art together, so you can go to museums, participate in art events, etc.


One way to make friends is to volunteer. Volunteering is basically an activity that you participate in for free out of a desire to “help society” or “support someone in need. In other words, it is easy to gather people with kind hearts.

There are various types of volunteer activities. Some are being done in the neighborhood, while others are dispatched to faraway places. Let’s start with activities that interest you.

Volunteer work often involves many difficult situations. That is why you will strengthen the bonds between you and your fellow volunteers and develop strong friendships and trust. Also, since you will be involved with a variety of people, your communication skills will improve, and this is a good choice for those who want to make friends.


First of all, expand your opportunities to meet people by being proactive. It is not easy to make friends naturally if you only wait. In fact, it is easy to become estranged from existing friends due to life stages, changes in environment, age, and other reasons.

First, choose a method that suits you and take action with the intention of “making friends”. Then, with those you become friends with, build a good relationship where you can trust each other, while being considerate and polite in your communication, which is important as a human being.


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