Why are rice balls triangular?

Why are rice balls triangular? Japan

An onigiri’s fundamental shape is a triangle. We frequently consume this one, but have you ever considered why it is shaped like a triangle? I share you some knowledge. This essay is for you if you struggle to comprehend the logic underlying its structure. The explanation is provided below for your convenience.

Reasons why Onigiri is triangular

Onigiri has a triangle basic shape, although it actually resembles a mountain. A sacrifice made to the gods. Since ancient times, mountains have been revered as gods in Japan.

Onigiri, or rice balls, were extra sacrifices made to the gods. People hoped that the gods would reside in the cooked rice by shaping it into a triangle in the shape of a mountain.

In other words, Onigiri is very sacred and very profound in this way! In a sense, the offerings were made in a triangular shape to make it easier for the gods to eat. 

Incidentally, there are other shapes of Onigiri that also have meanings. First of all, the bale shape is the second most well-known after the triangle. This is the shape of Onigiri that was called Tonjiki in the Heian period (794-1185).

In the past, triangular Onigiri were only used as offerings to the gods, so when humans ate Onigiri, the tawara shape was the most common.

As time went by, however, people gradually became less particular about the shape of Onigiri, and after triangular Onigiri began to be sold in convenience stores, Onigiri completely came to mean rice made into a triangle shape.

Indeed, nowadays, when we hear the word “Onigiri,” we usually think of a triangular shaped rice ball. When we make Onigiri, we also make them so that they are beautifully triangular in shape. By the way, I am rather good at making Onigiri into a triangle shape.

In the old days, however, Onigiri was a sacred food, and only a limited number of people, such as aristocrats, were allowed to eat round Onigiri. When you think about it, Onigiri has a long history and is a very interesting food.


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