How to stay without heating in Japan?

How to stay without heating in Japan? Tips

We tend to rely on heating to get through the cold winters, but you can stay warm with a little ingenuity. In this issue, we will introduce ways to stay warm without heating in Japan. (Or without using any kinds of appliances to use for heating)

Block drafts

The first and most important step in keeping your home warm, whether you are home alone or not, is to block drafts. If cold air comes in through window sashes or the bottom part of doors, you will feel chilly and cold (or chilly or cold sensation) even if you are trying to keep your house warm. Since doors need to be opened and closed, we recommend blocking drafts from windows.

Installing a cardboard guard around the bottom of the windowpane or covering it with an anti-condensation sheet can be effective. It is also recommended to close the curtains early at night to prevent cold air from entering through the windows.

Keep your feet warm

In order to reduce the feeling of cold, it is important to keep the “neck” of the body warm. It is said that it is good to warm the neck and shoulder area as well as the ankles and wrists. Of these areas, it is the feet that you want to keep particularly warm. The feet are located far from the heart and blood flow is difficult to reach, making them susceptible to cold.

It is a good idea to wear socks made of boa material, microfiber, fleece, etc., or lay a carpet on the floor. If you are particular about natural materials, socks made of wool or a combination of cotton and silk are also recommended.


Blankets can be easily incorporated into any position. Available in a variety of sizes and colors, you can choose your favorite. Some blankets have buttons or metal fittings that allow you to arrange how you use them, such as wrapping them around your waist or draping them over your shoulders. A wearable blanket is also useful when moving around the house.

Microfiber and fleece materials are reasonably priced, but for warmth, wool or cotton with cotton inside are (instead use is because it is singular) also recommended.

Aluminum mats

Aluminum mats are useful for shutting out cold air from underfoot. Aluminum mats are items used for outdoor activities, and many of them have an aluminum surface with a urethane cushion in between.

You can lay it on the floor as it is, or you can coordinate it stylishly by laying a carpet or rug on top of the aluminum mat.

Hot water bottles

If you want to spend time alone at home at a reasonable price without polluting the air, hot-water bottles are recommended. Hot-water bottles are an old-fashioned winter convenience item in Japan. In the past, metal and ceramic hot-water bottles were the norm and were heavy and difficult to handle, but in recent years, plastic hot-water bottles that can be easily used are convenient.

There are also lightweight hot-water bottles that can be heated in a microwave and used over and over again, so choose one that suits your usage and lifestyle.


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