Category: Japan
5 Easy Part-time Jobs in Japan
I’ve had many part-time jobs in my life. Some part-time jobs are hard, and some are easy. In this article, I will share with you the top five easy part-time jobs based on my experience and the opinions of my friends. Gas station (gasoline stands) I think the Gas station is the easiest part-time job…
How to Avoid Paying Traffic Fines in Japan
If you drive a car in Japan, this article will be very useful. If you commit traffic violations in Japan, you will be given a number of demerit points and a traffic ticket. In Japan we have a demerit point system. If you get more than six points, your driver’s license will be suspended for…
5 Best Cheap Eats in Japan
While browsing Japanese food sites for foreigners, I found a blog that introduced cheap eating out spots. The blog introduced cheap restaurants, but it did not introduce cheap menus. I couldn’t find any sites or blogs that featured cheap menus from cheap restaurants. I think some foreigners who come to Japan would like to eat…