Why Are There so Many Elderly Security Guards in Japan?

Why Are There so Many Elderly Security Guards in Japan? Japan

When you look at security guards in Japan, many of you may notice that most of them are elderly people. Many people may wonder if elderly people can provide enough security. So, in this article, I will explain the reasons.

Percentage of elderly security guards

According to the “Overview of the Security Industry in 2020“, released by the National Police Agency, 45 percent of security guards nationwide are over the age of 60, and 17 percent are over the age of 70. 

This shows that there are many elderly people among the security guards in Japan.

Incidentally, the percentage of female security guards is 6.7 percent of the total.

Why Are There So Many Elderly Security Guards in Japan?

Easy to call the police for injury

Easy to call the police for injury

The first reason is that when elderly people work as security guards, if they get into trouble, they can be injured just by being pushed by the other party. By getting injured, it is easy to call the police and have them charge the other party for injury. Also, many people in Japan are not good at attacking the elderly because of the culture of respect for the elderly. So, they see it as a downside for others who wanted to commit a crime. 

For this reason, elderly people are the strongest security guards in Japan. This is possible because we are a nation of laws and with a strong culture upbringing. 

The work is simple

The work is simple

The job description is simple enough for the elderly to handle it. It is often difficult for an elderly person to do the same job as a young person because of his or her physical weakness.

Security guards, however, do not require much physical strength and agility, so it’s not particularly difficult for the elderly.

Another reason why older people are more likely to be hired is that security guard jobs tend to be avoided by younger people.

There are still very few companies that pay high salaries for security work, and it is not often voiced as a desired occupation for younger people who still have plenty of options. Therefore, it is easy for senior citizens to be actively recruited.

If you meet certain requirements and hire elderly people, you can receive a subsidy from the government.

The amount of the subsidy can be as much as 700,000 yen per year, which is a great benefit to the company. Rather than hiring a young person, at the same salary, they will try to hire an elderly person who is eligible for the subsidy.
