Why Japanese artists are not lifting the ban on subscriptions

Why Japanese artists are not lifting the ban on subscriptions Japan

The number of people using subscriptions has been on the rise in recent years.

You can listen to many artists on Apple Music, Spotify, etc. as much as you want on a subscription basis.

However, it seems that many artists that everyone knows, especially in Japan, have not lifted the ban.

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why the ban on subscriptions has not been lifted, what it means, and what the conditions are.

Reasons why the ban on subscriptions has not been lifted

Subscription services have already penetrated all over the world, and Japan is lagging far behind.

And although the lifting of the ban on subscriptions to famous artists and bands has been gradual, it is still not always possible to listen to the big names.

The ban has not yet been lifted for artists who are still active in the Japanese music scene or who have made history.

Also, the ban has not been lifted for artists related to Johnny’s and Halo Pro.

In the past few years, the ban has been lifted considerably.

There are several reasons why the ban has not yet been lifted.

To provide a form of CD (album) as a work of art.

A number of artists and bands create CDs as a work of art.

  • CD packaging
  • Pay close attention to the lyrics card
  • The Story from the first track to the last

The story from the first track to the last: The packaging of the CD  The lyric card * The story from the first track to the last :The story of the album (except for the best of the best)

An album as a “thing” is a work in itself, and when it comes to subscriptions, you can listen to the songs, but you cannot hold the other jackets in your hands and enjoy them.

It is also possible to pick out only your favorite tracks from an album.

In this case, the artist’s work as a “single piece” will not be conveyed to the “listener”.

Therefore, we believe that it is the artist’s intention not to make it a subscription service.

The Record company’s intention

Next is the intention of record companies.

This is the opposite of the artist who provided the music as a work of art.

The record companies may think that it is more profitable and easier to develop the music by offering it on a CD.

Especially in the case of voice actors and anime-related artists, if they shift to subscriptions after looking at the numbers, sales will obviously decline.

I think it would be better to move to subscriptions where board sales are declining or stagnating in terms of numbers.

I am convinced that the ban is being lifted little by little.

Relationship with the granting of benefits, etc.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about why the ban on subscriptions has not been lifted is the relationship between the granting of benefits and other perks.

There are a variety of perks for CDs.

  • A Lottery involving live concerts
  • Entry tickets for handshake events
  • Postcards

Postcards * Entry tickets for handshake events * Entry tickets for live concerts * Entry tickets for handshake events * Postcards

It is clear that CD sales are declining compared to a few years ago, but if a perk is given, it is something that fans will always want to get.

In fact, I think many people are only looking for the perks.

If it is just a song, subscription distribution seems to be a good idea, but if it becomes possible to view only the song with a subscription, it will disperse the window for a product that has sold so well.

If the product is selling well with special offers, I think it is a good decision.

CDs sell well, so there is no need for subscriptions.

Same idea as the perks, but if the CDs are selling well, there is no need to go to the trouble of making subscriptions. If the artist is good enough to cause this trend, there is no need to go to the trouble of subscriptions. In fact, it is possible that the artists involved are aiming for the same effect.

If there is a synergy between the artist’s intention and the subscription, it is expected to generate a considerable number of sales.

However, I think this trend will change little by little.

They are not thinking about the music industry in terms of their individual share.

Based on all of the above, it is only natural to consider each individual’s share if music is to be managed as a business.

To begin with, subscriptions will greatly increase the opportunity for more people to listen to all music.

By doing so, the artist can deliver his or her work to more fans.

One listener listens to more songs, which means more fans for the artist, and more opportunities to encounter really good music.

I personally believe that this will ultimately result in a boost to the entire music industry.

If you think about the immediate share/profit, it may be better not to have subscriptions.

However, I think it would be more profitable in the end to raise the level of “the music industry itself,” which is the mother body of the music industry.

Therefore, we consider that we are currently in a state of competition, caught up in the immediate future.
