Why Japanese Women Don’t Ask You On Dates

Why Japanese Women Don't Ask You On Dates Japan

There are Japanese women who like a man but do not ask him out on dates. The following is a psychological explanation of such a situation.

They are not aggressive.

The first characteristic of Japanese women who like someone but do not ask him or her out on a date is that they are not proactive. They are not proactive in all aspects. They are the type of people who do not like being in the limelight or who always take a step back. They are not proactive, even when it comes to themselves. They may be afraid of being aggressive.

The cause may lie in their childhood. If they grew up in an environment where someone other than themselves, such as their parents, grandparents, or siblings, always did everything for them, it will be difficult to develop a positive attitude. They don’t have to say anything; someone else is always doing it for them. Their things are always done under the assistance of the elderly people and hence they develop this conservative, dependent behavior.

They don’t have their own opinions.

The second characteristic of Japanese women who do not ask themselves out on dates, even if they like someone, is that they do not have their own opinions. Even when someone around them asks for their opinion, they respond with something like, “I’m fine with everyone else. Or, “What do you think? or “What do you think?” In the case of question-answering, they do not have their own opinions.

It is possible that they have been brought up in an environment where they do not have to express their own opinions. Someone around them was always there to express their opinions and thoughts on their behalf. In other cases, you may have been brought up in an environment where you were not allowed to express your own opinions. In this case, they may have been offended or warned for expressing their opinions.


The third characteristic of Japanese women who do not ask themselves out on dates even if they like someone is the characteristic of being needy. They are the type of person who cannot feel safe unless someone is always looking out for them. They extremely dislike being alone. When they realize that no one is paying attention to them, they instantly become anxious and start trying to attract the attention of those around them.

The reason why they do not take action on their own is maybe because they think that if they do, they will not be cared about by those around them. They feel uncomfortable unless they have the attention of those surrounded by them at all times. Therefore, they do not take action on their own. They always want the other person to do it for them to feel secure.

There are related articles that provide more information about the needy behavior and its psychology and characteristics. Please refer to the link below.

Highly proud

The fourth characteristic of Japanese women who do not ask for a date even if they like the person is high pride. A person with a high level of pride does not take action on their own. If they are thinking, “I really want you to do this,” they will not take such action on their own. They feel defeated.

People with pride are also extremely afraid of getting hurt. This is because they do not know how to recover when they are hurt. Because they have always thought only of gaining an advantage from others, they are afraid to imagine what they would do if they were hurt. The fear of being hurt always haunts such type of people.

They have had painful romantic experiences in the past.

The fifth characteristic of Japanese women who do not ask themselves out on dates even if they like a guy is that they have had a painful love experience in the past. If you have had a very painful love experience, it is difficult to have the desire and energy to take action on your own. In many cases, a painful love experience is not easy to recover from, and the wounds never heal.

When you have had a painful love experience in the past, it becomes a traumatic experience, and you cannot take action on your own. The thought, “If I have to go through that again,” comes up from deep within. Even if there is a man whom they desire for, or even if there is a chance in front of them to ask him out, they will not be able to initiate any step.


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