Characteristics of Women Who Are Popular with Japanese Guys

Characteristics of Women Who Are Popular with Japanese Guys Love

This article will introduce the characteristics of women who are popular with men in terms of appearance and personality. You do not need any special skills to become a famous woman. With just a few changes in your daily life, you can become one of the most famous women in the world today!


Positive Thinking (Optimistic)

 Women with a positive attitude are popular with men. Many men are attracted to women who can take action and not drag themselves down when they make mistakes at work. Many positive thinkers can control their emotions and respond flexibly. As a result, their motivation to keep going leads them to succeed in their goals.

No two sides to the same coin

Women who are popular with men do not have a two-sided personality. They can deal with everyone equally and do not speak ill of anyone. However, men watch women’s behavior more than you might think. No matter how much they like a woman, they will be disillusioned if they see her swearing. It is also a good idea to refrain from complaining, especially in places with many eyes, such as at work or school. You never know when or who is watching. Be very careful.


An honest personality is also a characteristic of a famous woman. Women who can honestly express their feelings are attractive. It is also essential to be able to acknowledge honesty. When you make a mistake at work or get into an argument with your boyfriend, avoid making excuses all the time. Famous women only express positive feelings honestly. Keep hurtful words to yourself.

The right amount of openness 

Cautious women are challenging to approach. A woman who is popular with men has the right amount of openness. Especially with proud women, men may feel uncomfortable asking them out for a meal, thinking they will be rejected or treated coldly. If you want to be a famous woman, create a good opening. However, women who are not used to men will be more cautious. Simply smiling when spoken to will make it easier for men to ask you out for a meal.

Be sweet

Women who are good at pampering are popular with men.

Many men are happy to be depended on and respected by women. When you need help or are in trouble, be honest in your words. If you are in a romantic relationship, it is also a good idea to express your wish to go on a date away from home once in a while. However, if you go too far, you may be selfish. There is a difference between being sweet and being selfish. Refrain from relying on your man all the time.


Cleanliness/ Organized 

Women who are popular with men are conscious of cleanliness. A clean and organized woman is easy to talk to. However, if your hair is shaggy or your clothes are in tatters, you are not pleasing to the eye. If you want to be a clean and organized woman, keep the following points. Wear clean shoes – Wear gently scented perfume – Take care of your hands. Hairstyle and clothing are essential, but if you want to look clean, pay attention to the small details. Even if you are wearing nice clothes, it isn’t easy to feel clean if you are wearing shoes with scratches all over them. Avoid harsh perfumes and take good care of your hands.

Shiny, glowing skin 

Clear, glowing skin is another characteristic of a famous woman with men. If you want to be a famous woman with men, be more conscious of skincare than makeup. It is essential to use a lotion that suits your skin and keeps it moisturized to achieve glowing skin. It is also crucial to pay attention to diet and health if you suffer from acne and skin problems. Lack of sleep and oily food can cause skin problems. Review your skincare regime, diet and sleeping hours to get glowing skin.

Natural makeup 

Natural makeup gives a soothing atmosphere. Having a peaceful atmosphere is also a characteristic of a famous woman. Many men will find you friendly and comforting when they are with you. Conversely, heavy makeup can make a person feel intimidated. It is recommended to avoid using dark colours, even with trendy makeup. The simpler the better. Remember make-ups are necessary to enhance the beauty and it is not to cover the whole face!

Shiny, shiny hair without any dryness 

If you want to be a famous woman, your hair is also an important point to be aware of. Hair is a woman’s crowning glory. Shiny, shiny hair without any dryness is attractive to men. You need to know the proper hair care routine to get shiny hair. Review your shampoos and treatments and make a conscious effort to consume protein. Women who dye their hair should also retouch the colour and condition it as soon as the natural hair grows out from the roots. If left untreated, it can give the impression of being unclean.

Dress with a moderately mature look

 The clothes of a famous woman are characterized by a moderately mature look. Avoid overly sweet clothing with extreme lace or frilly designs. In the workplace, neat fashion is recommended. Colours such as navy and grey should be incorporated. Also, coordinate three or four colours to create a cohesive impression. If you like sweet clothes and bright colours, incorporate them into fashion accessories such as bags and scarves. When bright colours are added to calm colours, they add a touch of colour and make you look more fashionable.
