Why foreigners are not hired for part-time jobs in Japan

Why foreigners are not hired for part-time jobs in Japan Jobs

One of the reasons why you fail to get a part-time job interview and are not accepted is that you are a foreigner. However, even if lots of stores were actively hiring foreigners these days, you will still fail if the impression you receive from the interview is not good or if there is a discrepancy with the application requirements. Even if you think you have paid attention to your manners, you’re not going to be hired if you have shady or passive behavior.

In this article, I will explain some of the reasons regarding this matter.

There is a dark impression:

Regardless of the type of industry, many people said they did not get the job because their “first impression is dark and they don’t seem confident. A low voice or not looking people in the eye when speaking can give the impression of a lack of sincerity, and as a result, it seems to lead to communication anxiety in the workplace.

Not using honorifics:

People who don’t show politeness and respect when communicating are also likely to be rejected. Even if you are an international student and your Japanese is poor, you should learn how to show politeness and respect.

Inappropriate clothing and personal appearance:

While casual clothing is often fine for part-time job interviews, overly casual clothing is a cause of lower impressions with hiring managers. The most common NG attire in the comments was “jeans, T-shirts, huge accessories, too short clothes, and sandals. Although some denim designs can give a decent impression, it is best to avoid them if you are unsure.

Not getting answers to questions:

Giving answers that are not connected to the actual purpose of the interview or not being coherent in what you want to say are points that make us feel insecure about your communication skills.

Always passive in their responses:

People who answer questions but do not ask questions to themselves will lead concerns about whether or not they will be able to move forward with the job or cooperate with the staff around them once they are on the job.

Not meeting the requirements:

Often, job openings only say “2 or more days per week” and do not specify the specific shifts they want you to work. Therefore, when you confirm your desired schedule at the interview, if you cannot get in on the days and times of the peak season, or if there is no scope to discuss changes, you may have no choice but to reject the job offer.

The reason for applying is passive:

Many reasons for applying for a part-time job are simple, such as proximity to home, which is not a problem. Beyond that, the challenge is to be concerned about motivations that lack a reason for wanting a part-time job or a sense of purpose.
