Cheapest time to travel to Japan

Cheapest time to travel to Japan Tips

Japan offers a wide variety of tourist destinations.
Many people want to travel to warm, tropical places during winter while in the hot season, people tend to visit cooler places such as a summer resort.

Depending on the destination or the time of the year you choose to travel, the prices of the trip to Japan can vary considerably.
In this article, we will introduce you to some of the most inexpensive dates to travel to Japan.

On-season and off-season

In the Japanese travel industry, there are two terms: “on-season” and “off-season.”

On-season refers to the time of year when the weather is mild, warm, and predictable, allowing for more time spent at popular travel destinations and thus attracting a large number of tourists.

Because many people prefer to visit cooler places during the hot season, such as Okinawa, and warmer places during the cold season, the concentration of tourists during the ‘on-season’ results in higher airline ticket prices and hotel rates.

Aside from the weather, prices rise on weekends and major holidays when more people are able to go out.

The best time to visit Japan is during the off-season.

Off-season is by far the best time to visit Japan.

Off-season travel is, as previously stated, “less popular and less crowded.”
The travel industry’s high season runs from July to September. Prices are at their highest during this time.

The general price fluctuation is low in January and gradually increases toward the August summer vacation.

After peaking in August, prices began to fall and continued to fall until December.

Furthermore, the year-end and New Year’s holidays, Golden Week, the summer vacation period, and consecutive autumn holidays are designated as on-season.

So, when is the best time to go on vacation?

Following the New Year

After the New Year’s holiday, the general public in Japan returns to work, and school begins immediately after the New Year. As a result, fewer people go on vacation during this time, resulting in lower travel prices.

From early to mid-April

This is also the off-season because vacations are difficult to take as students begin a new semester or school year and some people begin to enter the workforce. Golden Week, which occurs in late April, is an exception, and tourist concentration is higher during that week. Otherwise, early to mid-April is an excellent time to visit Japan.

From November to December

When the autumn holidays end in September and the season of autumn foliage in Japan begins, the off-season begins. This is because, except for the purpose of viewing the autumn foliage, very few people travel during this time. Working people and students find it difficult to take vacations during this time. This is also the time of year when the number of international travelers is significantly lower.

Please keep in mind that prices will rise later in December until the end of the year.

Off-season prices vary depending on the tourist destination, so look for the respective off-season for the destination you want to visit first.

Cheapest season for some popular destinations



Hokkaido is popular as a summer resort and hot season getaway, as well as a winter sports destination for skiing and snowboarding.

Hokkaido’s cheapest seasons are late March to late April, early May to June, and late October to November.

From the conclusion of spring break in late March to the start of Golden Week in April.

From the conclusion of Golden Week until the end of June.

It is said to be cheap from the end of the autumn foliage season in October until the first snowfall in November.

Even outside of summer vacation and Golden Week, when it begins to snow, winter sports tourists from outside Japan visit Hokkaido, so the inexpensive season in Hokkaido is relatively short.

The best time to visit is in June. At this time of year, the average temperature in Hokkaido is about 16.7 degrees Celsius, and the mornings and evenings are cold, but there is no rainy season, so the weather is relatively stable and comfortable, making it easy to spend time in Hokkaido and go sightseeing.



Okinawa is yet another popular resort destination, especially during Golden Week and summer vacation.

Prices are especially high during the summer, when the island is crowded with people enjoying water sports.

Low season dates: late January, mid-May, and November.

The cheapest months are January after the New Year’s holiday, May after Golden Week, and November.

The disadvantage of winter in Okinawa is that there are many cloudy days, making it difficult to enjoy the island’s signature blue skies and blue seas. Furthermore, the rainy season begins in May, so if you want to go sightseeing or swimming, you may have to cancel due to the unpredictability of the weather. There are several reasons why it is less expensive.

The typhoon season is over in November, but it is cold for marine sports, so it is also cheaper.

The best months to visit are early June to early July and October.

These are not the cheapest months, but they are also outside of the best seasons, so you can travel on a budget.

In addition, the weather is stable from early June to early July, allowing for the enjoyment of marine sports.

October is typhoon season, but the number of typhoons is less than half that of August, the peak month, so if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to swim and explore Okinawa.


Kyoto is a popular tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world, both inside and outside of Japan, throughout the year.

Is there a low-season or cheap time to visit Kyoto?

There are times of year when you can travel for less money than during the peak season.

Early January to February, mid-May to June, and December 15 to 25 are the cheapest months.

The cheapest time to visit Kyoto is extremely limited.

The cheapest time to visit, as with other tourist destinations, is after the New Year’s holiday until the end of February.

During the rainy season, which lasts from the end of Golden Week to June, there are fewer tourists than during the peak season.

Furthermore, the autumn foliage season in Kyoto is at its peak every year from mid-November to early December, attracting a large number of tourists.

Following that, the best time to visit Kyoto is between December 15 and December 25, when there are fewer events and festivals and thus fewer tourists.

Mid-May is an excellent time for low-cost sightseeing.

This is before the rainy season, and because the weather is nice, you can travel for a reasonable price and take your time seeing the sights.


Because of its delicious food, numerous sightseeing spots, and leisure facilities, Osaka is a popular tourist destination for people of all ages.

The most affordable months to visit are mid-January to February, early to mid-April, and late September to October.

Osaka is also a popular tourist destination all year, so there isn’t much of an off-season.

The number of tourists generally decreases from the end of the New Year’s vacations in January through February, so college students and others with a long spring break are likely to benefit the most.

The months from September’s end to October’s end are recommended because the weather is more pleasant and tourist attractions are less crowded.
