Frequency of drinking parties among Japanese university students

Frequency of drinking parties among Japanese university students

As a college student, for better or worse, you will be drinking a lot.

Some people make their first drinking debut at a party!

Opportunities to hold drinking parties increase, especially in circles and seminars.

Is there a difference in the frequency of drinking parties between students who belong to clubs and those who do not belong to clubs?

Some circles are like drinking clubs that drink every day, while others don’t have drinking parties at all.

We investigated the frequency of drinking parties for students who belong to clubs and those who do not belong to clubs.

Whether or not they belong to a circle or club

The frequency of drinking parties among college students will naturally vary from person to person.

It depends on whether you are a circle member, and the frequency of drinking parties may increase. It can be expected that the frequency of drinking parties will increase depending on whether you are a member of a circle or not.

On the other hand, if you are in a circle that is not active in drinking parties, or if your school buildings are scattered and you don’t get together often, or if you are not a member of a circle, you may not be able to have a drinking party.

If you are not a member of a drinking circle, you can expect that the frequency of drinking parties will decrease because drinking events do not occur in the first place, right?

Let’s take a look at the actual frequency of drinking parties among college students.

How often do they have drinking parties?

Those who are not in a circle or club activities

The most common answer is “I don’t have drinking parties,” followed by “Once every two to three months.

If you are not in a circle or club, you don’t seem to go out of your way to hold a big drinking party.

The third most frequent frequency was “once every two to three weeks” and the fourth was “once a month,” which means they usually have a drinking party once a month or within three months.

As for the reasons.

Many college students did not like drinking that much in the first place or drank with their good friends about once a month to three months.

Those who are in clubs or extracurricular activities

For students who are in clubs, the most common answer was “once a month.

Surprisingly, the second most frequent response was “I don’t drink.

I had an image that if you are in a circle, you have a drinking party at least once a month, but that does not seem to be the case.

The third result was “once every two to three months.

The third reason was “once every two to three months.” The reason for this was that they only have drinking parties at launches, or they don’t have drinking parties unless there is a special occasion.






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