How to Save Money on Electricity Bill in Japan

How to Save Money on Electricity Bill in Japan

A few years ago, electricity retailing was liberalized in Japan. In this article, I will write about how to save money by changing power companies. Up until now, consumers have not been able to freely choose the power company they contract with. As a result, there were limited ways to save on electricity bills at home. Now you can choose the power company that suits you. I was able to lower my electric bill by changing my power company.

For more information about saving money on water bill and gas bill, please see the following article.

Check Your Current Contract

I think you may have a contract with one of the following 10 power companies.

  • Tokyo Electric Power Company (東京電力)
  • Kansai Electric Power Company (関西電力)
  • Chubu Electric Power Company (中部電力)
  • Tohoku Electric Power Company (東北電力)
  • Chugoku Electric Power Company (中国電力)
  • Shikoku Electric Power Company (四国電力)
  • Hokkaido Electric Power Company (北海道電力)
  • Hokuriku Electric Power Company (北陸電力)
  • Kyushu Electric Power Company (九州電力)
  • Okinawa Electric Power Company (沖縄電力)

The electricity rates for the above 10 locations did not change much. For more information on electricity charges, please see the URL below. (Tokyo Electric Power Company)

If you are a member of one of these power companies, you can reduce your bill by switching to another power company (Excluding the above 10 companies). If you change your power company, you will need to check the following information.

  • Supply area identification number (供給地特定番号)
  • Customer number (お客様番号) 

Change the Power Company

As a model case, we will deal with the case of a person who lives alone and does not use much electricity. CD Energy is a cheap power company for single people living in the Kanto area. You can save more than 100 yen ($1) per month! Don’t worry, switching power companies is very easy.

First, access the site from the following URL.
  1. Supply area identification number (供給地特定番号)
  2. Customer number (お客様番号) 

Japanese name converter

e.g.) Justin Bieber → ジャスティン ビーバー

Just wait for the contract approval email from CD Energy.







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