Why Japanese Men Refuse to Live Together

Why Japanese Men Refuse to Live Together Love

There are a surprisingly large number of boyfriends who live with their girlfriends but for some reason refuse to move in with them.

Even if they don’t reject it completely, many of them are not very enthusiastic about it.

Women are often confused as to why most men refuse to move in with them when they can literally spend more time with them if they live in together.  what’s the difference?

There is a reason why Japanese men refuse to live together!

If you can figure out the reason why he is refusing to move in with you then you may be able to change the way you go out with him in the future.

He don’t want to live with you.

When a man resists the idea of moving in with his girlfriend, he may honestly believe that the relationship is not that great or he may think that the relationship is not up to the point of moving in together.

They are in a relationship, but they are not thinking about moving in together. …and so on.

Living together is a very high hurdle item in a relationship.

Because it’s sharing your life, right?

It’s the start of your days where you have to offer your time, money, and lifestyle to someone else.(…)

You need to be prepared for that if you are going to live together.

If you don’t feel that you are willing to show her that much.(..)she will never shake her head at you.

This is one of the reasons why men refuse to live with their partners.

Ladies, if you want to live with your men like that you need to win their trust and love first.

Unless you resolve this issue, I don’t think cohabitation will start. 

He is not thinking of marriage.

In some cases, living together (…) creates a fear that they will not be able to run away from “marriage.” as it is.

In some cases, there is a fear that “marriage” will become impossible to escape.

They have this negative notion about marriage, they view this as a lifetime imprisonment.

Lovers who have been together for a certain length of time, or who are in their late 20s or older, see marriage as an extension of their relationship (….) whether they like it or not.

They may be frightened of the smell of marriage in their everyday relationships, but if they live together… they may think that they will not be able to escape from the spell of “marriage” that awaits them in the future…

I don’t dislike them, but at a stage when they are not ready for marriage, it would be a reason for them to reject cohabitation.

Either get rid of the image of cohabitation = marriage, or work on making him ready for marriage…and he will be OK with cohabitation.

If the reason you don’t want to live together is that you are not thinking about marriage, then you have two choices.

He doesn’t want to ever break his pace.

It doesn’t hurt to show her my lifestyle, and I’m not unmotivated to get married…

In spite of this, a boyfriend who does not want to live together may have a reason for not wanting to “break his own pace”.

This is a bit difficult to deal with because it is his value system.

If you don’t make an effort to adjust the pace of your life to his pace, he won’t move in with you.

Or, even if you do manage to move in with him, the time until the end of cohabitation may not be long enough.

Even if you can’t leave everything to him, you may have to decide on the time of day.

If you can have a thorough “discussion about cohabitation,” such as compromising on his non-negotiables, and recognize that he will not lose his pace even if he moves in with you, you should be able to start an enjoyable cohabitation life.

He thinks it will be a hassle when he breaks up with you.

Even though there is nothing to dislike about him at the moment…and even though there is no reason to break up with him, boyfriends who have a strong sense of “not knowing the future” tend to reject an environment where they cannot smoothly cope when something happens.

She may get angry at the fact that he is thinking about such things now, when nothing is happening.

However, this mindset has already been established in the boyfriend’s mind as a reason for not wanting to live together.

If he gets tired of the relationship with her…if he likes someone other than her…he would probably think it would be too much trouble to even break up with her if he lived with her at that time.

I know you don’t want to say this too much, but if you make a promise that you can end the cohabitation at any time, he who didn’t want to live with you will agree, saying, “Well then….

He doesn’t want to get too comfortable.

Many Japanese men are extremely averse to spending too much time with their lovers.

They don’t want to become so accustomed to living together to the point that they lose their attraction to their girlfriends as “women”.

This is the reason why they don’t want to live together.

Because if they live separately, men believe that they will have an exciting relationship with the thrill of seeing each other….

If he wants to enjoy a relationship but not to the point of living together, then we should probably keep him company for a while.

Once he is somewhat satisfied…he will consider the same sex.

Please be careful not to force him to cohabitate at a stage when he is not satisfied, or you risk him running away.
