Duration of Japanese dating

Duration of Japanese dating Love

In Japan, there are slight differences in the length of time it takes to get into a relationship, depending on the age of the couple.

In this issue, we’ve compiled a list of how long it takes to get into a relationship, from adolescence to the 40s and beyond.


The time until dating for teenagers is approximately 1 to 3 months.

Teenagers tend to be more active in relationships, as they want to have a girlfriend as soon as possible. For this reason, there are many cases where the time until dating is short and the relationship develops quickly.

If the person you like is at school or cram school, you will see each other more often and have more opportunities to communicate. Because there are so many opportunities to get to know each other, there are many cases where a confession of love is made and a relationship blossoms quickly.

In their 20s

The dating period for people in their 20s is approximately one to three months. Those who have some experience in relationships understand the importance of getting to know each other during the dating process. Many people are not in a hurry to get into a relationship, but rather use the period before getting together to assess compatibility and differences in values.

Working adults in their 20s are at an age when they begin to be conscious of looking for a girlfriend with marriage in mind.

Rather than confessing their feelings and immediately going out, they are shifting their attention to evaluating their partner while working hard.

In their 30s

The dating period for people in their 30s is approximately two to four months.

The 30s is the age at which people are given important jobs and have higher social status.

It is difficult to devote all of one’s energy to a relationship, and finding the right partner takes time.

In their 30s, people are more marriage-conscious than those in their teens and 20s. Many are looking for lovers with marriage in mind, and in many cases, the period is neither too short nor too long.

In their 40s

The length of time to start dating in the 40s and beyond is about 3-6 months.

In many cases, the more cautious set a longer period of about a year.

People in their 40s are at an age when they are more strongly conscious of marriage than those in their 10s and 30s.

Therefore, they will take a certain amount of time to carefully assess compatibility and values with their partner. It is a characteristic of people in their 40s to give their relationships more than enough careful consideration.

Importance of the dating period

The period leading up to a relationship is significant in determining compatibility and differences in values between the partner and oneself. Allow a certain amount of time to get to know each other.

If the time before dating is too short, you will develop a relationship without getting to know the other person in depth. There is no denying the possibility that you will find differences in compatibility and values later on and the relationship will break up prematurely. It is important to suppress the desire to become lovers as soon as possible and move cautiously during the period necessary to become great lovers.

However, we do not recommend that you wait too long to start dating. Although knowing each other deeply provides a sense of security, there is a chance that the relationship will devolve into that of friends. It is important to have a good time and distance that keeps things fresh.

Things to check before going out

You want to get to know each other as well as possible before going out.

No matter how much you like each other on the outside, there are some things you cannot tolerate! This happened after we started dating, and we ended up breaking up. To avoid such a situation, many people would like to know a little more about the other person before starting a relationship, wouldn’t they? So here we would like to tell you what you should check before getting into a relationship.


First of all, values are important. If you go out with someone without checking their values, you may end up regretting it. If this relationship develops into a marriage and the person’s values are completely different from yours, you may find yourself asking, “Why do you behave that way? or “Why are you acting like that?” If the relationship develops into marriage, you may be plagued with feelings of frustration, anger, and sadness.

Before entering into a relationship, it is critical to confirm each other’s values and acceptable limits.

If you go out without confirming these points, you may not be able to overcome problems later on, which may lead to a breakup.

Invite them on a date and tell them how closely their values align with yours or not.

Financial Sense

Differences in a financial sense, such as how you spend your money and how you spend it, are a part of life. Some people prefer to save money, whereas others prefer to spend money in order to relieve stress.

If you want to be in a relationship with the intention of marrying, and there is a significant difference in how you and your partner spend money, life after marriage may not go well and you may both feel stressed.

Make sure to confirm what your partner wants to spend money on and how he/she spends money during your dates before you start dating.

Work and Hobbies

If you value your hobbies, make sure that your partner understands them as well. In particular, if you have hobbies such as liking idols and going on expeditions or collecting something, your partner may not be able to relate to your hobbies. Other hobbies that cost a lot of money or take up a lot of space may also be difficult for the other person to understand. You may have to make an effort to make them understand or explain it to them.

Next is work, If you do not confirm their work ethics and approach to work, you may face difficulties if the relationship progresses to marriage.If you marry someone who cannot work diligently or slacks off often, you may be left with worries and concerns about living expenses. Also, if you find your job challenging, ensure you know how you will work after marriage. Today, both men and women can expect career advancement,  but some men prefer that women stay at home or work part-time, so it is important to understand each other’s perspectives on marriage and work.
