How to respond when a Japanese woman refuses to go on a date

How to respond when a Japanese woman refuses to go on a date Love

What would you do if you dared to ask someone out on a date and they turned you down? Some of you may feel depressed and unable to do anything.

In this article, we will introduce how to respond to rejection and some pointers on how to ask for a date next time.

Reasons Why Japanese Women Refuse Dates:

When you boldly ask a woman out on a date, it doesn’t went well. Sometimes a woman may decline an invitation from someone she is interested in because the timing is not right, or because the person is not her type, to begin with.

How to tell if someone is interested in you when they turns you down for a date. When you ask a woman out on a date then she turns you down, how do you determine whether the timing just happened to mistaken or whether she is not interested?

If you cannot make this judgment, you may end up asking for another date with someone who does not like you at all.

How to respond when a date is turned down:

The following are eight patterns of when an invitation is rejected. In these patterns, we will explain whether the timing was not right by any chance, or it was a refusal of not wanting to go on a date with you in a gentle manner.

It is counterproductive to repeatedly ask for a date with

someone who is not interested. You may come across as someone who’s

unable to read the other person’s feelings and is blunt and persistent. To avoid

this, refer to the following explanations.

When someone turns you down because of work

When you ask someone out on a date and turns you down because of work, such as “I’m busy at work” or “I have a full work schedule,” you can assume that she’s not interested.

There may be cases where the reason really works, but no matter how busy you are at work, if you were asked out by someone you like, it is likely that they will at least try to make time for a meal. The other person may also suggest some other dates as alternatives.

Despite this, you are rejected for a date because of work, you should consider one of two options: give up on the idea that you are not interested and rebuild the relationship or give up on the thought of date once and for all.

When someone turns you down because they want to take a relaxing break

If the reason for refusing a date is that you want to take a rest and relax, you can assume that the person is not interested. You are refusing softly for your reasons so as not to hurt the feelings of the person who asked you out.

If she says that she wants to take it easy on the date but offers an alternative date, she may change her mind.

When you are rejected because you are told that you already have plans

When you are turned down because you are told that you already have plans for the day of the invitation, there are two possible patterns: interested and not interested. There are two possible patterns: you turned them down because you really have plans, or you turned them down because you don’t want to go.

If they offer an alternative plan, they are interested, but if they say, “I will call you when I have time,” you can assume that they are not interested.

When you are rejected after being told that another date is OK

When the date you ask for a date has been turned down with the words, “I’m ready for another date,” you can assume that she is interested in you.

As mentioned in item 3, the fact that he suggests an alternative date indicates that he has plans and cannot go on a date with you, but that he can go on a different date.

If you have turned down by someone who says, “I would like to go,” or “I wanted to go,” try to arrange a date with them.

When they are not satisfied with the date plan

When you ask a woman out on a date and she refuses because she is not satisfied with the date plan, she may or may not be interested in the date plan itself, or she may not be interested in you.

If the woman suggests changing the date plan, she is interested, but if not, it is likely that she is not interested in you, and it is better to give up gracefully.

When a date is proposed and rejected

When you ask someone out on a date, they decline your offer of a date. It may be hard to determine whether they really have unavoidable plans or whether they are no longer interested in going on a date with you.

In some cases, a person may not be able to go due to illness or other reasons, and it is a good idea to ask clearly why in order to confirm whether they are interested.

When you are turned down without a specific reason

If you are turned down without a specific reason, consider that you are not interested. If you say, “I am not interested in you,” there is a possibility of hurting the feelings of the person, so you are saying no without saying so.

By refusing without a reason, they want you to know that they are not considering you as a man.

When someone says no after being asked to ask someone else out

If you ask someone out on a date to have just the two of you, but she asks you to go out with someone else, you should interpret this as a lack of interest. It is safer to assume that the woman who asked you out indicates that she does not intend to be more than friends with you at this stage.

It is the same as saying she does not want to be alone with you, so persistently asking her to meet with you will be counterproductive.

Those mentioned above, are some of the information when you want to date someone. Consider these details as your reminder and how to be careful the next time you will be asking someone out on a date and what does it mean to them.
