What to do in the event of an earthquake 

What to do in the event of an earthquake Japan

When an earthquake strikes at home

Protect yourself first when a large tremor strikes unexpectedly. Grip the legs of a strong table or desk tightly. Also, use a cushion or seat cushion to shield your head and wait until the shaking stops.

In the event of an earthquake, it is critical to secure your way out of the house, but it is perilous to rush out. First, get to a safe location and wait for the shaking to stop.

By Situation

While you’re sleeping

If you are awakened by a tremor, slip under the bed for protection. In the dark, be cautious since broken glass and shards of light fixtures can easily harm you.

Toilets and Bathrooms

When you feel a tremor, open the door first to ensure an escape path, then wait for the tremors to stop.

Be warned that bathroom tiles and mirrors, as well as toilet flush tanks, may fall. In an emergency, protect your head by covering the bathtub lid.


If an earthquake occurs while you are cooking, put out the fire immediately to avoid burns from fallen cooking equipment. Wait for the shaking to stop.

Gas meters are designed to shut off gas automatically in the event of an earthquake of magnitude 5 or greater, or when a substantial amount of gas flows. Allow the gas meter to switch off the gas, and in the event of an earthquake, prioritize your own safety first.

To ensure your safety, check the website of your gas company.

When the shaking stops, turn off the stove and any other gas appliances after the shaking has stopped. When evacuating, switch off the main gas valve and the breaker.

Broken window glasses and shards of light fixtures may be spread throughout the house during a large earthquake. To avoid harm, it is recommended that you wear shoes inside the house. Check catastrophe and evacuation information and evacuate to a nearby evacuation site once you have determined that you and your family are safe.

Daily necessities to be prepared

Electricity and gas supplies, in addition to water and food, may be affected for several days following a major earthquake. To ensure that you can survive for two or three days, prepare daily essentials so that you are ready in case of an emergency.

There are many catastrophe and emergency foods that are not only good but also functional, so you should look into them!

It is also recommended that canned foods and other everyday products be prepared as disaster/emergency supplies.

Daily Necessities Set:

  • Food and drinking water for 3 days for the whole family is required.
  • Drinking water (3 liters per day)
  • Food
  • Toilets
  • Emergency medicines (don’t forget your regular medicines)
  • Spare batteries (cell phone, radio, flashlight, etc.)
  • Cash and valuables
  • Insurance card and phone book
  • Underwear, towels, tissues, spare glasses, etc.
